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Structure for JIRA: Ideas

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384 results found

  1. Allow compact summary column

    The mandatory default summary column includes seemingly unnecessary leading empty space.

    I have multiple structure boards in a two-column jira dashboard enabling quick overview of my daily tasks. The horizontal space is therefore very precious and I use a separate "compact" view showing only priority, id, summary, and perhaps status of the issues.

    There is currently no possibility to make the summary column more compact, since the summary column cannot be deleted or minimized to make room for a custom one.

    The leading whitespace seems to be caused by <span class="s-expander s-fa"></span>. I suggest either removing this whitespace completely…

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  2. Quick Grouping and Sorting

    Currently we can only use quick filters. The most used feature in our customer projects (datacenter) is the quick group feature.

    This feature should be available on structure cloud as well, because it makes the use of structures so much more flexible and enhances the usability.
    Currently our users create a lot of new structures just because of this missing feature. Obviously this leads to maintenance issues, because all other configurations need to applied across multiple structures...

    Same goes for Quick Sorting, but the grouping option is more important.

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  3. Share views with specific structures only

    When sharing views they are shared globally across all structures. Whereas often a view is optimized for a single structure. Setting the default view allows you to have an optimized view for a single structure, but then it is difficult for other users to know what other views have been optimized for a specific structure.

    This could be solved by allowing sharing of views to be limited to a single structure. Or providing an option for what structures you want to share a view with.

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  4. Presentation Mode for pausing redraw and updates, BIG fonts, make the sprints more obvious

    We would like a Presentation Mode for the Gantt chart view that does the following:

    1) Pauses all updates, no redraw, no refresh, no live changes

    2) Makes the fonts for sprint and calendar dates much larger and easier to read (this could also be an accessibility settings in Configuration)

    3) Make it faster and easier to see the sprints on the timeline think about color coding. Offer a way to toggle between calendar view and sprint view or faster navigation around the Gantt chart, like a "jump to sprint x" or a "zoom to details" button.

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  5. Share lag values across all structures

    Dependencies are stored in Jira as linked issues, but there's no concept of "Lag" (eg: TaskB can only start 1w after TaskA finishes), so that's stored in the Gantt.

    We have a main structure/gantt for all work (so we can see full utilization and dependencies), and people create their own structures just to see their team's work in a specific format (possibly even changing resource attribute).

    PROBLEM: A user adds a dependency with lag in one structure, and the dependency shows up in the other structutre, but without the lag!

    SOLUTION: Be able to store lag info in Jira somewhere?…

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  6. Allow entering list values on separate table rows

    It would be nice to have options of single and multi-select list fields optionally displayed in different rows.

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    Hi Dimitrios,

    Thank you for the request. Could you please clarify a little what do you mean by select fields displayed in rows?

    Is it about Jira fields? Do you want them to be in rows, but not columns? How would you like to use it and why?

    Thank you,


  7. Add select list options to different table rows

    It would be nice to have options of single and multi-select list fields optionally displayed in different rows.

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  8. Allow users to select any task/milestone and see its critical path

    There are various reasons why this is essential for large or interdependent projects:

    1. Large projects often have multiple future milestones at fixed points. We don't often want to view the critical path of the future-most milestone, we mostly want the next upcoming milestone. We can exclude milestones except for the upcoming one, but then we need to keep adjusting the structure, and we can't see all the milestones at once (eg: maybe the next milestone after is also at risk).

    2. Our projects invariably have inter-project dependencies. At the very least, the dependencies are resource-based (eg: we're sharing resources between projects).…

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  9. Have a calculated "Slack" column

    Structure/Gantt should have a "Slack" column that shows the number of days/weeks that a task can be delayed before any task that depends on it is delayed.

    This is critical when viewing complex projects and needing to know what can be delayed when new work comes up or tasks take longer than expected.

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  10. Add a Progress Bar column type for formula based columns

    Need a new column type for formulas to represent progress bars. E.g. in addition to general, number, markdown, add progress.

    If possible also adding a new check box that allows for percentages greater than 100 so that we can represent things like benefits where the actuals are greater than the target amount.

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  11. Gannt Presenation View

    The view in the GAnnt musty have a way to be presented with in the screen. it is haed to work in a status meeting and use the gannt

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  12. Group by Formula

    Have issues in your hierarchy grouped by a specific formula using a new generator.

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  13. Have an option to use Gantt attributes in formulas

    As a user I'd like to use Gantt attributes in formulas on Cloud

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  14. Improve loading of large structures (30k+)

    Improve loading of large structures (30k+)

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  15. Performance/Stability: Fine-grained LSS

    Performance/Stability: Fine-grained LSS

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  16. Formula: Use complex variables in formula: Columns, Formulas

    Be able to use the same functionality available in Structure Server/DC formula columns in Structure Cloud (column as a variable, etc...).

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  17. Show week numbers in calendar (date picker pop-up)

    Add the week numbers to the date picker pop-up when selecting dates in Gantt. Since what we currently use comes from Jira, when the date picker is from Structure itself, this could be implemented.

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  18. Support cloning a Structure and its Jira issues on Cloud

    On Structure Server/Data Center it is possible to clone a Structure and its issues into a new Structure with new issues. This functionality should be supported on Cloud as well.

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  19. Manual adjustments to automated structures in cloud

    We want a structure where automation is used to fetch issues, but where we manually sort issues into a hierarchy of folders.
    It can be done using metadata for issues, but that has two drawbacks:
    1. It can be quite tedious to update metadata to get the issue into the right folder
    2. If someone "else" updates the metadata the issue will move immediately. We what to do the moving manually in status meetings/during grooming.

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  20. Add support for issueLinks in formulas

    In the data senter version of structure you have support for issueLinks. After moving to cloud this is highly missed as it is an extremely useful feature to fetch data from linked issues, like due date of blocker issues.

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