Show native JIRA Screens when creating and/or editing tasks in the structure view
I really appreciate the ability to edit tasks directly in the structure view. However, doing so results in two undesired side effects:
If the user needs to change multiple fields, they have to do so one field at a time. Depending on the notification scheme, this can result in a lot of email spam.
It encourages users to change fields on the issues without entering associated comments. For example, if somebody is changing the Fix Version/s for a task, in our team, we expect them to enter a comment explaining/justifying the change. There is no way to enter a comment for an associated change when the change is done directly in the structure.
The first issue is particularly a problem when creating an issue. Structure's issue creation window only allows the user to populate a couple of fields (or copy fields from other issues, which is often not what we want). It would be really nice if Structure popped up the native JIRA Create Issue window so that the user could populate all of the needed fields in one go.
For changes to other fields, it would be nice if structure popped up a little window which allowed the user to change the field and enter an associated comment.
Chris, thanks for the feedback.
Note that you can edit multiple fields inline and still have one notification:
You can also use the standard JIRA's "Edit" action on an issue by selecting it from the Cog drop-down menu, or using keyboard shortcut "e".
For creating issues, you can use the standard JIRA's "Create" action by clicking Create on the toolbar or using "c" shortcut, but that will just create an issue and it won't place it in the structure. There's a feature request to address that:
Anyway, I agree it makes sense to make it possible to add a comment when making changes inline. I've created a feature request for it: