Allow to use the same link type in both ways
Currently you can't select twice the same link for 2 Gantt dependency types. As a Structure admin, I would like to select the "blocks" link for Finish to Start and the "is blocked by" link for the Start to Finish.
Thanks very much
Admin[Deleted User] (Admin, ALM Works) commented
Hello Paul!
It is indeed impossible to use same link type for several dependencies since doing something like this will produce a cycle. For example, if issue "A" blocks issue "B", then issue "B" is blocked by issue "A" (note two opposite links between "A" and "B"), so in gantt chart we'll have two dependencies:
"A"'s finish to "B"'s start and "B"s start to "A"s finish
So, these two tasks "A" and "B" will depend on each other and Structure.Gantt will not be able to tell which dependency should be respected and which one should be thrown away, so both dependencies will be marked as invalid and linked tasks will not be scheduled correctly (please, also note that Finish-to-Start dependency isn't an opposite of Start-to-Finish one).
Could you please tell me more about what you're trying to achieve?
Thank you.