Show more results to allow me to use the browsers scroll function.
The view port of the structure plugin is rather small. I can only see a max of 12 rows on my screen (1360x768). I need to export to excell to see more stories in my epic. It would be nice if more results are displayed on the screen. And to be able to use the browser's scroll bar to scroll, that's why it's there. Or did I miss a config option?

investigating – please see comment
Hi Pim, has this problem been resolved?
Igor -
Pim commented
Hi Igor,
I can scroll through the structure, using a scrollbar in the structure frame. However, it's sort of an iFrame that only shows me 12 rows of content. I will sent a screenshot.
Pim -
Hi Pim,
Of course you should be able to scroll down. If you don't see a scrollbar and you're on Mac OS X, check if you can scroll with finger gestures. Also on any operating system you can use keyboard (arrows and pageup/pagedown).
If you still cannot scroll through structure, please send a screenshot to and the following information: your operating system and version, you browser and version, the version of Structure in use, the version of JIRA in use.