Create shortcut key for setting tasks on Resolved
A shortcut to set a task on resolved would be appreciated.

Jellebaars commented
Sounds great.
1: Reopening would be less used therefore less important to have as a shortcut. But I don't have anything against reopening issues by clicking on the space when an issue is already resolved and that sounds logical.
2: Good point, for those users you can show a simple confirmation (are you sure you want to set this issue to resolved.)
3: Yes, because a parent cant be resolved without its child-issues being resolved.Thanks for your time
Thanks for the idea! We have something like that in mind - assigning <SPACE>, for example, for marking an issue resolved. This would require some additional configuration though (there might be different Workflow actions for that).
Would you mind sharing your opinion on the following, related topics:
1. Should the user be able to likewise easily reopen issues?
2. Should one-click Resolve or a keyboard shortcut for it be enabled, if the user will not be able to Reopen later? (Due to permissions or workflow configuration.)
3. When the user resolves a parent issue with one click, should that action also cause sub-issues to be resolved?
Igor -
Jellebaars commented
(now it takes 3 clicks to resolve an issue we'd like it to be just one click) the edit screen where you can send e.g. the time spent is not needed for us.