...have separators, or sticky issues, that stay on top.
My idea is that I want specific issues to not be affected by the sorting. Not affected, so that they can stay on top (or bottom).
Another cool way to do this may be a separator or separators, that can be added similar to the way folders are added. Except these separators allow their content to stay where the user assigns it to.
Considering the feature — please see the comments.
Mike commented
Hi Igor, too bad it's so far off... I like your idea of using tags. That would work for issues. I'm actually using structure.pages, and want the "page" to stick, as it has info about the particular structure.
Mike -
Hi Mike,
Thanks -- that is an interesting idea, but, I have to say, far from the current plans. There would be a lot of questions if we try to write down the spec for this, considering that the content is dynamic and may change with time.
I can suggest the following instead. Suppose you have labeled the "sticky" issues using JIRA's "Labels" field. Then you can add a _second_ sorting using "Transformations" panel, and make it by Labels. All marked issues will be placed together at the top or at the bottom.
The same can be done with some other fields too. Of course the drawback is that other users can see these marks too, but this thing works right now!
Kind regards,