When displaying subtasks in Structure, include parent jira # as part of summary (like Jira filters)
When displaying subtask in Structure, include parent jira # as part of summary (like Jira filters).

waiting for clarification
Hi Erwin,
Thanks for bringing our attention back to this request. As you can see, it's been posted for a long time. There are a few reasons we didn't get to it so far: a) most of our users seem to be fine without the "breadcrumbs" information at the top; b) there's "Structure" section on the issue page, which shows you the same information, and more – including Summary of the parent issues and some values; c) for larger structures with many nested layers (we've seen setups with 10+ depth), the breadcrumbs will really be an overload for the user interface.
That is not to say that we won't work on this, but the priority has been on the low side these years. Please let us know how critical is this request to you. If it is, could you please describe a bit, how are you using Structure, and why this improvement is important for you?
Igor -
Erwin Manuel commented
Is there new update on this request? We are also interested in showing parent ID's of sub-tasks.
Thanks for the clarification - you can send a screenshot to structure@almworks.com or support@almworks.com
From what I understand, you might take advantage of the "sub-task synchronizer", which automatically places all the subtasks into the correct position in the structure in case the parent task is there. Use "Structure | Manage Structure | Import | Sub-tasks".
Bob Cutillo commented
is there a way to share a screenshot with you?
Bob Cutillo commented
What I'm asking for is Jira subtasks to include it's parent Key in the Summary (like Jira Filters do). I'll try to copy a screenshot to the clipboard for you to view.
Bob Cutillo commented
Use Case: I need a report where 1-4 subtasks follow it's parent in a list. A Structure generates the list, however, I am unable to easily move a subtask under it's parent in a Structure b/c there is no way (that I know) to easily identify a subtasks parent.
Bob, thanks for your idea. Could you please elaborate a bit, do you mean that JIRA sub-tasks should have their parent Key in the Summary, or any sub-issue in the Structure should have their parent Key (or parents Keys) in the Summary field? What's the use case anyway? It seems that this is additional information that may confuse sometimes.