Hide empty folders
In structure folders created based on custom fields will show "no value"-folder in case issues haven't set the related custom field. It would be nice to get an option to define whether to show such "no value" folders or to show such issues without a folder under their parent.
Please see the comments for a workaround.
Thanks for your suggestion!
In the current architecture, a grouper (which you are using to assign issues to folders) cannot remove items from a structure, it can only group. We'll review this architecture closer to Structure 5.0 and maybe make adjustments.
Currently, you can achieve the same result with Filter transformation. Open Transformations panel, and add Filter : S-JQL with the condition "not folder('No value')" and (important) make it apply at the specific level where this folder is expected. You can save this transformation and associate with the structure. See https://wiki.almworks.com/x/YLDrAQ
If you need to make this filter a part of structure, that's a bit tricky, because normally Filters are applied before Groupers. So you'll need to create a second structure, insert the first structure in it (via Insert : Structure), and then add a similar filter.
Hope this helps!