To fully take advantage of the new Notes field it would be really nice to make it independent of the issues to which it is added. As it works now, if a structure contains a multiple of the same issue and a note is added this note is attached to all of these issues.
Separating this is actually the only thing left to be able to use the structure plugin as a product structure documenting an entire product portfolio. One issue for each part and the notes field (renamed "Qty" or similar) to hold the amount of parts of the same type!

Thank you! Please see the comment
AdminStructure Team (Admin, ALM Works) commented
Thank you for detailed description! It's clear now, but not easy from technical perspective, we will check.
Please note, that if this data can be counted from your structure (perhaps based on other field), you can use Formula column (, and results for the same items can be different regarding to the position in StructureJulia,
ALM Works team -
frodes commented
Thanks for looking into this. I will try to explain this with an example:
I have a structure looking like this:STRUCTURE 1
- >Issue A (Qty = 1)
- - >Issue C (Qty = 4)
- >Issue B (Qty = 1)
- - >Issue C (Qty = 5)My structure contains here issue A, B and C. Issue C is both below Issue A and Issue B. Now I would like to use the Note field to contain information that is unique to each version of this Issue C.
I would like to use this to define a product with all sub-parts. Then, if the structure represents a Car, Issue A, B and C represents parts to make this car. Further, If we let Issue A be the motor in the car and Issue B a wheel. The same bolts that is used for mounting the wheels to the car can be used to mount the motor to the car but we dont need the same amount of bolts. So, If issue C represent the bolt I would like to be able to store a different amount of bolts into the structure independently of where the issue is in the hierarchy.
I hope this clarifies what I am trying to achieve with this.
AdminStructure Team (Admin, ALM Works) commented
Thanks for sending us feedback! Am I right, that you would like to be able to define different comments for the same issue? We are going to add multiple Notes columns, so you would be able to add several Notes columns and type different text in it. Will it be helpful?
ALM Works Team