offer a way to save your column widths with a view and with the perspective view.
Our users will customize their view, setting the column widths in a way that allows them to best see the data in the view. While Structure does a great job of preserving this, in their session, there is no way to save the column widths, either in a saved view or in the "perspective view", from the Share button. Our users would like to share these adjusted column widths with other members of their team.

Thank you! please check the comment
Clement David commented
Any update on this?
When the day begins, the first time we open any structure we have to change the view back to the default one (because for some reason it goes back to perspective instead of the default view) and then resize the columns...
This is quite irritating.
Thanks -
Sebastian commented
Scrolling is fine, but it wolud be very usefull to define widths in the view definition as a DEFAULT widths for everyone that opens structure. It would be a... designer proposition, possible to overwrite by the users in their session
Clement David commented
I have contacted the support a few times about this request as well, quite annoying that width are not retained especially when the browser cache is flushed out every day automatically and you can't do anything about it.
I agree that "each user has a different screen" is not an acceptable answer, since in our company 1/ we have almost all the same size screens, even at home 2/ Each Structure view is only used regularly by 1 or a few specific users 3/ a user with an abnormal screen size/resolution could create its own "large screen view" and save its column width settings there..So very much needed and very much looking forward for this feature!
Clement -
Lucy Holloway commented
I strongly support this suggestion.
The current justification against it is: "because you can have different monitors and different window sizes, and Structure tries to autosize width for your window."
This is no longer valid. The reasons that this is not valid are outlined here:
The reason that column widths should be saved to views and perspectives is that structure's auto-widths are often not appropriate, and must be re-sized. Your previous justification *used* to be valid, because with no horizontal scrolling, Structure had to auto-size the widths for each window so that the user could always see all of the columns.
However, it is now possible to horizontally scroll, so for any window size, the user will always be able to scroll to see every column in the view.
The current result of the fact that column widths are not saveable is that every user, on their first time using a view in structure, and on their first time seeing a display of a structure in the view in Confluence, must be shown how to re-size column widths, and then re-size each column so that it is of the optimum width. Examples of width changes:
1) Making the Comments (Notes) column extra wide.
2) Making a column that is there so that an issue field is editable, but does not have to be seen, extra narrow.
3) Making certain columns narrower so that the information can still be seen, but the amount of horizontal scrolling a user has to do is minimised.
Extra steps such as this for *every user* make using Structure less favourable, leading employees to prefer other tools / methods.
Doing this once, then saving the widths to the view, would be fantastic
Therefore, please implement this suggestion. Structure has many excellent features and I would like for other employees to come on-board!
Many thanks,
Lucy -
Seth Grandeau commented
Scrollbars will be a HUGE help. It's been the most asked for thing on our teams.
I still think a way to save the custom column width would be helpful. Maybe it could be relative to the screen width? Our use case is that teams review work on a structure board, on a monthly basis. These are done on projectors in conference rooms, so the screen resolution is limited and teams will spend the first 5 minutes or so just tweaking columns to fit. It would be great to have that saved, to avoid having to go through it each time.
AdminStructure Team (Admin, ALM Works) commented
Hello Seth,
Thank you for your suggestion! There is no way to share column width so far because you can have different monitors and different window sizes, and Structure tries to autosize width for your window.
By the way, we are working on scrollable mode right now: it will be possible to add more columns without auto-sizing, the horizontal scroll will be shown. Will it help?Julia,
ALM Works Team