provide "root element of column x" in the variable selection list of formula column editor
E.g. to calculate a percentual distribution over all rows of a structure, for the formula you need the 100% value which is typically shown on the root element.
Therefore it would make a lot of sense, to be able inside "formula column A" to use a columns B's value, but the root element value! This should be possible even if column B is a formula itself.
As we can already use variables like "Column B ..." in formulas it would be nice to add "Root Value of Column B ..." to the variable selection list

Thank you for the idea! Read the comment, please
AdminStructure Team (Admin, ALM Works) commented
It is possible to use root issue for each "sub-hierarchy". Let's say you have structure
- IssueB
- Issue Cand no other issue on the same level with IssueA and would like to use the Issue A value. In this scenario you can create separate formula column, just to "get" the root value, with formula like "parent#depth=1{f}". (depth = 1 is the root level, if automation mode is switched off, f - you formula column A). But in this example, if you have other issue in stryucture, their root will be used, not IssueA.
Will it help? Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
ALM Works Team