allow a status synchronizer to allow rollups based the first subitem entering the next stage
The status synchronizer allows as of today(2.0.0) only a rollup of the status to the parent when all children have reached this status (i.e. all children are "done" > parent is set to "done").
Imagine a workflow like: open > in progress > done.
For the status "in progress" it would be great to have a "roll-up once the first subitem enters a new state". So the parent reflects the new status once the first sub-item has been moved from "open" into "in progress".

waiting for reply
Caitlin, thanks for taking interest in this idea! We don't usually promise any dates on the upcoming features, so all I can say is that the next release is not going to have this one. As a workaround, I can suggest reversing the order of the statuses to achieve the desired result, as advised in the other comments here.
As for rolling up other values, that's a good request, which we'll need to consider separately.
Igor -
Caitlin Warnock commented
Any idea when this will get taken in? Also, would this also allow you to roll up other values to the parent issue from the sub? e.g. the sprints of each story rolling up to the parent feature in a list so you could easily see which sprints a feature spans?
Peter, thanks - nice catch! I actually didn't think of using status rollup to push the "latest" status upwards. That case begs to be added as a "best practice" :)
Peter Tomolik commented
a feedback from our setup:
we have a workflow like this -> in sprint -> in progress -> on hold -> to verifyreversing the workflow in the synchronizer order to
-to verfiy
-on hold
-in progress
-in sprintleads to the desired result, that the parent is set to "to verify" as soon as the first child has this state.
so, for us, the suggestion from igor is working. -
This is contra-intuitive, but what if you configure your status rollup synchronizer with the statuses in the following order:
In Progress
DoneNow, since "In Progress" is the "least" status, the parent will go to "In Progress" whenever there's a child in that state.
Does this work for you?