If you manually change Epic field to point to a different Epic, the issue doesn't reposition under that Epic
If you manually move the ticket under an epic, it will change the epic field value to that Epic. However, if you manually just change the epic field value to something else it doesn't reposition the ticket under that epic.

not a problem
Hi Pat, no problem. Please keep in mind, synchronization is done in background and it might take some time to effect the change (especially if you have many synchronizers and massive changes, they will form a line for one execution thread that processes all the syncs).
Feel free to get back with further questions. If I may suggest, for support questions please send an email to support@almworks.com or raise a support request at jira.almworks.com -- no problem with questions here at uservoice, but the workflow is more targeted at new features.
Pat Pigatti commented
Hi Igor, please consider this closed. It all seems to be working today. I still think there might be something going on if there's an epic nested inside an epic where the tickets underneath the smaller epic was showing the top level epic but by moving one of the tickets out and moving it back in corrected all the others. Regards
Hello Pat, thanks for posting this problem.
In fact, it should reposition the ticket under the epic - so this may be either a bug, or a misconfiguration. May I ask you to send the details to support@almworks.com, in particular:
a) versions of JIRA, GreenHopper, and Structure
b) sequence of actions you are performing
c) expected result
d) observed result, with a screenshot if possibleThanks!