"Remove Inserter/Extender Duplicates" generator should also work for non-hierarchical duplicates
When using the "Remove Inserter/Extender Duplicates" generator also non-hierarchical duplicates, based on different used linkage types like "child-of" and "resolved by" should be removed.

Thank you! Check the comment, please
AdminJulia (Product Owner, ALM Works) commented
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for your request!
Could you please add more details here, what does "non-hierarchical duplicates" mean? What kind of generators do you use? Remove Inserter/Extender Duplicate filter can work with all link types, the idea is to hide issues, added by Inserter if the same issues are added by Extender. More details can be found here: https://wiki.almworks.com/pages/viewpage.actioan?pageId=32223424Thanks!
ALM Works team.