Have UNDO function for bulk operations
When using the bulk delete to delete many issues, there should be an UNDO option in case you selected the wrong items by mistake. Besides going to a backup from previously in the day, I do not know a work around for such cases.

out of scope
Ok, thanks for your suggestion! But the bulk change (including bulk delete) is the standard JIRA functionality - we just use it from Structure and pass the selection of issues. Otherwise, it's the same when you choose Bulk Change from the Issue Navigator.
So if the undo of a bulk change is to be added, it should be added in JIRA itself by Atlassian. However, currently there's a final confirmation screen where the user sees a list of affected issues.
JHolman commented
Igor, actually deleting them via Bulk Change.
Julie, by "delete" do you mean removing issues from structure (as when you press Delete key), or actually deleting the issues via Bulk Change wizard?