Upgrade the Structure Cloud Manage Structures page
There's a lot of whitespace and not a lot of function.
* You could use more than 3 columns to show more information, e.g., the description and the permissions.
* You could support more actions:
** Copy an existing structure - then you could copy and tweak instead of starting from scratch every time
** Support right-click on Open to open in a new tab
Thank you for the request!
The improvements you have suggested are reasonable, and we have plans to update this functionality in the future. The ability to copy structures is already in our backlog.
Kelly Arrey commented
Thanks Konstantin - supporting right click to open a structure in a new tab would save a lot of time - if you need make changes to a list of structures, you could open tabs from a single screen. Right now you have to go back and force Structure to re-render the Manage Structures page each time for no good reason.