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Structure for JIRA: Ideas

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118 results found

  1. Limit parent-child relationship to specific types of issues

    Let JIRA admin specify what issue types could contain what other issue types. For example, a Test Suite may contain Test Cases, which can contain other Test Cases, but not Feature Requests.

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  2. Propagate field values down the hierarchy

    Let the user specify, for example, that all sub-issues of the issue X should have the same Security Level and Project and Priority.

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  3. Artifical task as from BigGant

    Hi, I thing something as Artifical Tasks from BigGang should be handy. We can´t planning far for future. In many times we need plan work which we did´t have fragmented to tasks. There is only highlevel overview that Member1 will have work on Project1 on week35 - week37 than on Project2 on week38-39 and etc. We need tasks which is not under project and created as Jira task, but only as shadow task significant than Person will be on Project. Folders can only group tasks but doesn´t have start date and end date.

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    1 comment  ·  Gantt  ·  Admin →
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    accepted  ·  Alexey Pegov responded


    Indeed that would be a good addition! We’ll definitely do something like this!

    Thanks for your feedback!

  4. Allow scheduling effectors

    Having effectors that can take a formula and set the value to a field is great. What we are missing is the ability to schedule the effectors, so that they run every hour/day/week, which will enable us to have these "calculated" fields up-to-date without manual intervention

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  5. Change the colors of the font or/and background of the Structure folders

    It would be great to be able to customize the appearance of the Structure Folders in order to have a possibility of manual highlighting the "problematic" folders.

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  6. improve "templates" functionality and provide simple interface to work with it

    1. That's will be useful to have a possibility to create structure by one click. Ex. It could be a quick button (as jira has "+ Create issue" at the right top conner). When I click on it, I can choose template name & click create. That's all.
    2. Sub-tickets in template structure should be predefined, so I don't want to specify each time what project it should be and what options to copy.
    3. In existing structure that's will be nice to have a possibility to create tickets\sub-tickets using templates for issue. Ex. I want to have a possibility to easy create…
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  7. Bulk Clone Part of the Structure

    This is becoming a necessity as we move forward with Structure. In order for all users to easily make copies of sets of issues from a repository-type structure at different points in their structure, we need bulk clone. The current copy/clone process requires admin authority and too many steps to roll out to non-admins and expect the environment to stay clean.

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  8. Create sub-issue should work similar to Link New Issue Operation (LNIO)Valiantys

    I typically want to create issues of another issuetype, and probably in another project.
    Just cloning is too trivial, and it requires to much work to change issuetype, and project.

    Alternative (even better): automatically detect sub-issues for certain link-types

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  9. As a gantt user, I would like to get my fix versions as milestones

    As a gantt user, I would like to get my the release date of my versions automatically projected as milestones on the timeline, so that when I bind a task to it, it automatically update the fix version/s field.

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    2 comments  ·  Gantt  ·  Admin →
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  10. Allow an attachments column with attachments preview, similar to the Images column

    The structure view should allow the user to display "attachments" as a column, where attachments are listed similarly to the "Images" column. Clicking on an attachment thumbnail would popup a preview of the attachment.

    At the very least it should allow the user to download the file without opening the ticket itself.

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  11. Open structure issues in Issue Navigator

    Similar to functionality in Greenhopper and other plugins, add a button to structure to allow opening the list of issues visible in the structure in the Issue Navigator.

    I use the Agile Cards plugin. It's possible to print cards from the Issue Navigator. I would like to be able to print cards for a portion of the hierarchy in a Structure but I have no way to get from the structure to that functionality. One possibility is to allow opening the issues currently visible in the Structure in the Issue Navigator.

    It seems like this would be useful for other…

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  12. Allow referencing a formula based Structure column within S-JQL expression

    Currently, I can only refer real fields of a JIRA issue within S-JQL function structureQuery parameter.

    Example: "issue in structure("Planned Stories", "issueOrAncestor in [type = Epic and status = Open]")"

    But it will be absurdly powerful if I could refer to a formula based Structure column values, existing in a selected View in e.g. such way:

    issue in structure("Planned Stories Structure","Planned Stories View", "issueOrAncestor in [type = Epic and 'Adjusted Storypoints' > 'Planned StoryPoints']")

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  13. Export to Google Sheets

    Make it possible to directly export a structure into Google Sheets. It will save one step converting an Excel file into Google Sheets.

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  14. Support 3+ Multi-Cascading Selects

    Automation + Grouping on Multi-Cascading Select fields is a top-notch function that allows users to efficiently organize complex datasets, but are functionally limited to deeper organizations.

    If I start using the Jira-system 2-tiered multi-cascading select field in Structure for my issues, but then decide I need to switch to a 3-tiered mutli-cascading select to model my data, I sacrifice the functionality of Structure for the flexibility of another add-on.

    Including support in Structure for n+ Multi-Cascading Selects, e.g iDalko's multi-select field (using MySQL), would help users like myself fully harness the capabilities of automated issue structures

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  15. Group by Link Type

    Group by Link Type.

    We have many link types used to represent different things.

    - A "Story" ticket may [LinkType: Satisfy] many "Acceptance Criteria" tickets
    - A "Bug" ticket may [LinkType: Block] a "Story Ticket"
    - An "Epic" may [LinkType: Solve] a "High Level Requirement" ticket

    Where tickets have multiple types of link coming from them, would be nice to have that as an explicit folder / grouping in the tree.

    Story X

    Blocked By
    Bug Y
    Bug Z
    Acceptance Criteria A
    Acceptance Criteria B

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  16. As a user I would like to be able to view issues in a side pane instead of having to load a new page

    As a user, I would like to be able to view issues in a side pane instead of having to load a new page, so I save time in looking at the details of each issue

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    Thank you for the suggestion!

    We cannot reuse Jira’s issue view, so we will have to implement our own, and implementing it will be a challenge. Most of the Jira fields can already be viewed inside Structure and changed by inline editing.

    Could you please describe what you would like to view or edit in the side panel?

  17. Require the user to confirm a deletion of an issue before it is removed from the structure.

    Require the user to confirm a deletion of an issue before it is removed from the structure. Right now there is a message that an issue has been deleted, but my users aren't noticing the message. Need to make them verify the deletion before it will occur.

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  18. Support hierarchy of projects

    Can I display a hierarchy of projects? I have a project x that is a sub project of a, b, c. Is this possible?

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  19. Add color in rows of Structure

    Currently Structure doesnt have capability to add color in cloud version good to have if I am building multiple hierarchy one

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  20. Allow users of the Tempo Plugin to see a per-user summation of time usage

    We always have multiple coders on our projects, and almost always have multiple coders contributing to each piece of functionality within a project. We use the Tempo Plugin for JIRA to keep all that straight.

    Structure's time summations are really helpful and beneficial. But for our multi-coder environment, we have to look at that summation in Structure, then look at every subtask and split out exactly who contributed how much to the Structure main task, because different coders are at different billing rates. This is not workable except on very small projects.

    What would be ideal is if we could…

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