Queries based on structure, especially ones that make roll-up easier
- All issues that are direct children of this issue
- All issues that are children, grandshildren, etc. of this issue
- Parent of this issue
- Store the structure information in the same tables as other JIRA information, so it can be queried the same way.

Hi, thanks for your suggestion.
When you say "queries", do you mean something you can use in JIRA, like JQL, or do you mean reaching directly into the DB with SQL?
For the former, we do have S-JQL, which allows everything you mentioned and more - https://wiki.almworks.com/x/dIPE
As for accessing structure data with SQL, this is tricky. We do plan to move away from our own embedded Derby database to the same DB that JIRA uses. But that by itself wouldn't be much help, because the content of a structure is stored as one large BLOB. This utter denormalization is by design and for good reasons, not the least of them being performance. It's not possible to access it with SQL. The best we can do is provide a way to set up some "mirroring" of a structure into a quasi-normalized relational table.
However, there's an API for getting structures - see https://wiki.almworks.com/x/oYF7 with reference and examples.
Please let me know if this answers you question or if you have further details on this.