Creating structures from agile boards with Epics and Epic-less tickets
When creating a structure from an Agile board it would be nice to be able to add as well Epic as stories not assigned to an Epic.
Creating a structure with Epics and adding an JQL-Inserter for the Epic-less Stories is not sufficient. I am not able to move Stories into an Epic later on the structure board this way. ("Cannot remove issues from JQL query result. ")

please see the comment for an alternative setup
Nora Serinek commented
Nice workaround. Works like a charm. Thanks a lot!
Nora -
Alternatively, you can try using an Agile Board inserter to insert stories (pick "Insert issues except Epics"), and then add "Epic" grouper to group by Epic. Then issues will be movable between epics and "No Epic" folder.
Hi Nora,
Thanks, that's a great suggestion! We'll try to implement this in the nearest future.
Kind regards,