Use tokens in the summary to capture recurring fields and indendation levels
By specifying some fields e.g, priority and assignee as well as the indendation level of the issue while entering the summary text of the issue will speed up the data capturing with structure. Please consider having a look at for effective keyboard support for increased speed and useability.
Eg use the @ to specify the person eg @john
use the # sign to specify the priority
Eg #0 - blocker
1 critical
Tab indentation in the summary for instance indentation level 1 specified by 1> indendation level of 2 specified by >2
I would agree it would be a great feature, if somewhat redundant. So, making it a planned issue.
Hartmut commented
Maybe one could define some user key short cuts when creating a structure. I agree that checkvist and structure have a different way of storing and representing the data.
When capturing data it might be quickest entering it in one string rather than jumping between different fields.
I agree that Checkvist has nice implementation of the tags, dates, etc. entered in the Summary field.
However, big difference between Structure and Checkvist is that Structure is a grid - it has columns. Furthermore, now the columns are editable. Also, JIRA has much more fields for issues than Checkvist has for tasks. So it's not clear to me how this feature would work.
For example, if I have priority column and summary column, and I edit priority in the Priority column, and then edit priority in the Summary column, what happens when editing is done? How the two editors relate to each other? Also, when I start editing Summary, should the current priority be displayed there somewhere? What if the user doesn't need it? What about other fields - why not edit Assignee etc. - but this would simply clutter the interface if we display all fields in the Summary.
As for the changing new issue indentation level, we could do it with a shortcut but I'm not sure what keyboard combination we could use for this.