support issue creation using extended form (CreateIssueDetails)
So that it could be possible to configure Structure Plugin to open extended form instead of the one with just a summary as it is by default.

Implemented in version 2.7
Chris commented
Thank you for your comments and your suggestions. I will try to train myself to use the work-arounds while I eagerly await the new feature.
Chris, I can only agree with your arguments. Can't wait to have this feature done!
As for "add watchers" field, I can only suggest a kind-of-workaround - don't use Tab to go to the next field, use Ctrl+Alt+right arrow. It is different in that on the last column, it won't do anything. You will probably also not hit Tab intuitively to go to the control in the watchers field.
When editing watchers fields, try pressing down or alt+down - they trigger some code that tries to switch to the next control within the cell editor.
Chris commented
Regarding your comment about making sure to add all of the necessary columns to the structure view before creating the issue... this approach works fine as long as you don't have too many columns to set during creation. If there are a lot of columns, we rapidly run out of horizontal space for all of the columns.
Chris commented
I would like to see this feature as well. Unfortunately, I am out of votes so I can only vote through my comment. ;-)
Igor, I do use your recommended approach of using the Tab key combinations to fill in the various fields at the structure view. Unfortunately, I keep getting caught because the last field on my view is one which accepts multiple inputs (it's the "Watcher's Field" for the "Add Watcher's on Issue Creation" plug-in). When I start typing the name of a Watcher, JIRA helpfully brings up the auto-complete suggestion, at which time I hit the Tab key to accept and... d'oh, Structure intercepts the Tab. Since the Watchers field is the last column in the structure view, the Tab causes Structure to go off the end of the line, which is apparently equivalent to "Done".
I can't tell you how many issues I've accidentally committed before I was finished. This kind of behavior can happen any time a user has an autocomplete-type field as the last field in their structure view.
Maybe a Tab at the end of the line should just cycle back around to the start?
Of course, if Structure opened the JIRA create issue dialogue, none of this would be a problem since I would get normal JIRA behavior. Plus, there's the added benefit of not having to modify structure views just to expose all of the columns I want to fill in on issue creation.
Nancy, thanks for the kind words. I absolutely agree the creation of issues should be better. We'll look into improving this feature in the following versions.
Unnecessary notifications may be avoided if you don't press "Done" after editing each field, but instead, switch to editing another field immediately. Use Tab/Shift+Tab/Ctrl+Alt+left/Ctrl+Alt+right to go to the next/previous field - *without* hitting Enter or Done. Then the issue stays under editing mode. Only when you stop editing, or move to edit another issue, will all the changes be uploaded and cause a notification.
On the automatic Assignee change: you might want to check your "screens" configuration, which screen is assigned for "Edit" operation, and field configurations - what default value is assigned to Assignee field.
Hope this helps!
Igor -
Nancy Belser commented
Igor, thanks for your reply. I tried your suggestion. While it technically does work, it is not ideal and causes unnecessary editing and additional notifications to be sent out. It can also cause the automatic assignee to be set incorrectly if we have to edit the component after the original create issue.
I do appreciate your plugin, however. I am just hoping to get it to a more ideal state.
Nancy, thanks for your comment!
While this idea is planned for the future, it is already possible to create new issues from the structure grid even if you have additional required fields. Just add those fields as columns and fill them in when creating the issue. Switch to the other fields by clicking on a cell (when editing new issue), or by using Tab/Shift+Tab.
For easy switching between columns, use views. There's a predefined view called "Entry", which you can modify and save/share.
Hope this helps!
Igor -
Nancy Belser commented
This would be a really useful feature. As it stands, we cannot really use the create issue functionality unless we are exactly cloning the previous issue, which doesn't always make sense. We have required fields on our create issue dialog so if we don't use categories (cloning), the create fails because the required fields are not filled in.
Rajen, thanks for your comment! We'll definitely work on this.
Rajen Pandya commented
This will really help us out if it can be implemented. using tab to navigate between fields is ok for techie users but when i am pitching this to business users, its confusing to them. I just did a lot of training for them on how to use JIRA :)
Thanks for your idea. We do plan to integrate Structure with JIRA's Create Issue dialog. Related issue: