Named perspectives
This one is so obvious - I'm surprised I didn't find it already.
Provide a feature to save a Named Perspective that is permanent (until deleted) and can be modified.
This would 1000% improve the usefulness of perspective views for us. As it works now, there are two major issues with perspective links:
1) When not used for awhile, the perspective gets deleted and users are confused when they load the link
2) There is no way to update the perspective. For example, if we want to add, remove, or change the fields shown, there is no way to update what will be shown when someone loads the link. I get that the link is about it loads as shown, but as the author of it, I want a way to force it to be changed.
Our main use case is we have a lot of different scrums and rituals where we want the link in the agenda. Some of these are quarterly or even every six months.
Please check the comment!
Eric Straub commented
Thanks for replying Julia. We do have views associated with the structure, but sadly, we don't have a way (other than perspective) that I'm aware of to control the view which is loaded with the structure, and to have it load with specific transformations. The closest (other than perspectives) I've found is we can set the default view for the structure, then open it in an incognito window so that default view loads with the default settings. Alternately, if someone loads it on their regular non-incognito browser, it defaults to whatever they left it at last time. For me, no prob - i get it. For our 100s of users, they get confused & don't understand how to get it to what they want.
Another problem with that approach is that we only get 1 default view. So if we have a view for say Triage, I have no easy way to have a different view for prioritization (other than perspective).
I understand the global setting - problem there is that auto collection is correct for probably 90% of the perspectives, but we have a small number that need to stick for up to a year. I asked our IT team to increase the duration before they get collected, but we don't know how much storage/resources it will consume - is there some way to view the size of storage (or even a list of the existing perspective links)? if so, how please?
BTW- I'm a HUGE fan of Structure!
AdminJulia (Product Owner, ALM Works) commented
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your request! As far as I understand, you use the same structure and column set. The perspective link is more than it - you can save the focus, selected transformation, opened panels, etc.
I suggest using the structure URL + associate the view with your structure,
Also, it is possible to increase the time before perspective deletion, it helpful?
ALM Works team.