Allow scheduling effectors
Having effectors that can take a formula and set the value to a field is great. What we are missing is the ability to schedule the effectors, so that they run every hour/day/week, which will enable us to have these "calculated" fields up-to-date without manual intervention

Thanks! please check the comment.
Stefan Frey commented
missing in Jira Cloud !!!
Anonymous commented
Waiting for this on Jira Cloud. :)
Anonymous commented
When it will be available for Structure Cloud?
Anonymous commented
Our organization also is waiting for this feature!
Omer Meshar commented
Thanks Julia,
Is there a possibility to do this from Jira automation in some way? -
AdminJulia (Product Owner, ALM Works) commented
Hi Omer,
Thank you for this request! We have this feature in our backlog. As a workaround I suggest you to try this script for ScriptRunner:
Hope this help,
ALM Works team.