Allow users of the Tempo Plugin to see a per-user summation of time usage
We always have multiple coders on our projects, and almost always have multiple coders contributing to each piece of functionality within a project. We use the Tempo Plugin for JIRA to keep all that straight.
Structure's time summations are really helpful and beneficial. But for our multi-coder environment, we have to look at that summation in Structure, then look at every subtask and split out exactly who contributed how much to the Structure main task, because different coders are at different billing rates. This is not workable except on very small projects.
What would be ideal is if we could see a per-coder breakdown of the summed logged time at any level in the Structure.
Thanks for considering this. We will be hoping to roll our own with a combination of the Tempo and Structure APIs, but would love to see this as part of the product.

should be possible with Structure 3.0
Samuel commented
Dear Igor,
I understand the situation, I will prepare information about our use case and send you an email.
Thank you!Best Regards
Samuel -
Hi Samuel,
Correct, out of the box Structure 3.0 won't be able to do that, sorry. We have to prioritize. But it should be relatively easy to implement what you need based on Structure 3.0 platform. We'd like to do that in 3.x, but at the time we cannot commit to a specific plan.
However, I would suggest you to write us by email ( a bit more about your use case, so that we can better understand it. This will also keep our attention on this issue.
Kind regards,
Igor -
Samuel commented
Hello Igor,
thank you for the reply and information! I look forward to the new feature.
However, in our company not only Assignee logs work on issue - usually more persons log their work on one issue. If I understood correctly - this scenario will be not covered. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Do you plan to extend the feature to the above mentioned scenario in the next 3.x versions?Have a nice day.
All the Best
Samuel -
Hello Samuel, Sean,
Structure 3 is around the corner -- beta is coming in a couple of weeks and full release a couple of months afterwards.
We'll have grouping by Assignee, so if the tasks are worked on by only one person, you can calculate totals per user. If you need to distribute time spent across multiple people, this, unfortunately, won't be there in 3.0 out of the box – we had to postpone a lot of stuff to get 3.0 out quicker. It should be easy though to implement this feature later or even as a separate plugin using Structure API.
Kind regards,
Igor -
Samuel commented
Dear Igor,
I also look forward to such function.
When can we expect Structure 3.0? (rough date is enough.. I understand that you probably cannot give me exact date).
This feature will be truly helpful in my company! Can't wait for it :)Best Regards
Samuel -
Sean M commented
That is great to hear, thanks Igor!
Hi Sean,
Thanks for describing your use case. We're currently working on Structure 3.0, which, I believe, should have sufficient functionality to do what you need. (There's no ETA for 3.0 yet.)
Kind regards,