Structure for JIRA: Ideas
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173 results found
Report or filter on accumulated fields
FIelds like 'progress', 'estimate' or 'logged' are calculated (accumulated) over the sub-structure under the issue. I would like to be able to report those values in reports (e.g. accumulated estimate) or use them in JQL queries (e.g. accumulated_estimate > 2w)
5 votesCollecting requirements, please see comments.
allow us to synchronize links between sibling and cousin issues
Right now the link synchronizer works only between parent and sub-issues. However, this is often not enough. For example, we would like to automatically link "development" and "system testing", which are usually sibling issues under a single "Change Reqest ### for system XYZ" issue.
A use case for "cousin" links is similar: "integration testing" should depend on all "system testing" issues within the same "Change Request ###" parent/grandparent issue.
Right now we work around this by using template structures, but this is fiddly and error prone, since issues like "integration testing" should be edited manually after N "change request for…
3 votesPlease see the comment
Testy: ability to creatae multiple test sessions/cycles without cloning tests and/or test results
1. Visualize Progress Bar functionality test coverage on diff browsers (following example @
2. Re-use the same test plan structure for multiple buildsOPTIONS FOR BUILD 2:
Option 1;
Use columns for each browser (next build requires cloning to track test execution)
Problem 1: Requires cloning of entire structure for next build
Problem 2: Cloning just test results will not work as new results will overwrite test results from build 1Option 2:
Use columns for each test run (no need to clone the tree and browser makes put in the hierarchy)
Problem 1: after a…1 votecollecting requirements
Keep backlog always up-to-date with notifications
I think it would be nice to have possibility to notify Scrum Master and Product Owner that some of UserStories are holding in a backlog for quite a long period of time (could be specified in extra settings), for example 3 moths.
It should help to keep backlog always with actual UserStories.3 votescollecting requirements
Add view setting to specify level of expansion
When creating or editing views, allow specifying the degree of expansion. My use case is that I want to show all issues in the top three levels by default. Furthermore, I want the expansion setting to apply to the Confluence gadget.
Alternatively, a perspective can be used to achieve the same result, but there is currently no way to use a perspective for the Confluence gagget. If the perspective could be used in the gadget, then I would recommend combining with to allow an unlimited customization of gadget presentations.
3 votesLikely planned for 3.0
Add ability to right click on selected item(s) to move to top, to bottom, down/up by like 50/100/200 rows at a time
This will save time in organizing one's Structure especially those items that are completed and need to be moved way down or those items that are open and need to be brought way up. This would especially be useful when initially setting up one's structure.
3 votes -
Indent Structure based on JIRA Issue Type as is done with Summary field based on Issue Type
epic TP icon
story TP icon
story task TP icon1 voteNeeds clarification – please see comments.
Deactivate Cut, Copy, Delete
The actions should be deactivatable via permission-level or global setting.
1 vote(please see comments)
import from excel
First set of columns each represent a structure level.
Following structure, top row includes field names for data entry (e.g. Story Points, Type=Epic, Story...(not sure if this will come through or not, but something like this:
|Level1 |Level2|Level3 |Level4 ... |Type |Story Points|
|Jurassic Park| | | ... |Epic |
|Jurassic Park|T-Rex| | ... |New Feature|
|Jurassic Park|T-Rex|Goat Release| ... |Story |
|Jurassic Park|T-Rex|Goat Release| As a goat I can be raised up so the T-Rex can eat me|Story| 8 |
|Jurassic Park|T-Rex|Goat Release| As a goat I can NOT escape so that I will live|Story| 2 |Note…
2 votesNeeds more details – please see comments.
Drag and Drop Structure Nodes into JIRA Sprints
It'll be great if I can drag my structure into my sprint and have all the sub issues displayed nicely (incl estimated story points or hours for all sub issues) under that sprint.
1 vote -
Show more results to allow me to use the browsers scroll function.
The view port of the structure plugin is rather small. I can only see a max of 12 rows on my screen (1360x768). I need to export to excell to see more stories in my epic. It would be nice if more results are displayed on the screen. And to be able to use the browser's scroll bar to scroll, that's why it's there. Or did I miss a config option?
4 votesinvestigating – please see comment
[Structure+Testy] Make it possible to have a type of parent child relation inside an issue
Use Case 1:
As a tester I would like to use a unique test case and run it several times and after every run I would like to add my test data/environment to it. (E.g. Result and what format, browser, platform, DB that was used during test run...)Use Case 2:
As a Test Manager I would like to be able to create a dashboard report or filter based on specific data and the outcome of the result with that test data/environment.Current solution with testy today (
has some good features but you still lack the method…4 votesCollecting requirements – please see the comment.
1 vote
Improved User Interface of the STRUCTURE Plug-In
The font and back ground colour should be customizable.
1 vote -
Intergation width standard JIRA filters
Allowing in JIRA filters can be filtered by issues that you belong to a structure.
3 votesplease see the question in the comments
Support Wallboards
I would like the ability to use Structure gadgets also on wallboards. Technically you can already do that, but for example progress bars are not visible. I suppose this only requires a separate stylesheet?
3 votescollecting requirements in the comments
Support a User Story Map View
User Story Mapping is becoming a very popular way to organize your product backlog:
It basically uses a 3 level structure but displays tickets in a vertical layout, as illustrated here:
There are only a few tools that support this online, and only one that is part of JIRA. The market is ripe for a tool that is robust, simple, and flexible. Since Structure already organizes tickets hiearchically, all that would be required would be to create a new view of a Structure, with a possible limit of 3-4 levels. (The Story Map structure only supports 3, but I…
25 votes -
Create a method to prevent parental and causal links to sub-tasks unless those sub-tasks have sub-issues
if you have issues with sub-task type issues there's no way to pull those sub-tasks and any child or resulted in linked issues into a structure without structure creating child and resulted in links for all sub-task tasks of those parent issues. It appears that any configuration of the links synchronizers will results in the sub-tasks getting child and resulted in links to the parent issue. If this is true, I propose the following feature request.
In the Links Synchronizer, create a sub filtering feature that uses the logic of: "don't create parental or causal links for sub-task type issues…2 voteswaiting for clarification
1 vote
Will review after Structure 3.0 release
Ability to weight Progress column by number of issues
(e.g. a parent’s progress is just based on the progress of its children, but if one of those children has 10x more children than the other, it would be nice to weight it that way)
3 votesrequirements gathering
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