have a aggregation modifier #fromTopToMe #fromBottomToMe
To provide a backlog forecast it is essential to show what content could be done within a certain time or time budget. If we configure the budget in a top level issues custom field, structure could SUM not only by level, but also the contents of the current list of elements (eg. by priority) and a formula could show from which element the budget is overspent.

Hi, we're working on a large update to the subsystem that enables formulas. This problem is also on our radar. Look out for Structure 6.0 announcements later this year!
Kenzo commented
is there a timeline available for this feature?
Got it, thanks, Matthias!
Anonymous commented
Hi Igor,
yes, this is exactly what we need! It would help many companies to give forecasts and more.Btw: The "red line" is optional as we could use a formula column showing "ok" or "exeeded" or "inbudget" and "currently not in budget" instead of ot.
Thanks a lot for your support!
Hi Matthias,
So, if I understand you correctly, you'd like to have a kind of a "running total", going from top to bottom over the top-level issues (or maybe "sibling" issues under a common parent), accruing the total value and, when a threshold is reached, showing something like a thick red line there.
Does it sound right?
We actually had a request like that before... This is a great idea, but it will need us to implement it as a feature. Unfortunately, it can't be done with the current formulas, which are entirely bottom-up (SUM and the like) or top-down (PARENT, JOIN).
Kind regards,
Igor -
Anonymous commented
Thanks Julia for your quick response. I saw that aggregations, but I cannot figure out how i could realize a SUM of all Rows above or below the position of the current row. And I checked again, but can still not find how I would implement that. Do you have any hint on this?
AdminStructure Team (Admin, ALM Works) commented
Hello Matthias,
Thank you for your question! We already added aditional modifiers in the version 4.3: https://wiki.almworks.com/x/4w9KAg. Note, that there are several modifiersfor that aggregation: you can include the current row, can exclude it, can count leaves only (check #children, #leaves, #subtree). Will it helps?
Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
ALM Works Team