Structure for JIRA: Ideas
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118 results found
Print Structure Cleanly
Right now, I have two choices, export to Excel or print from the structure board.
In our situation, the description and acceptance criteria have bullets, numbers and other items allowed in JIRA's rich editor.
When exporting to Excel, this renders as HTML tags which Office does not accept and render correctly.
When using the print functionality, JIRA Issues cross over page breaks (which we could fix if we could have it render in Excel)The reason this is a concern for us is that or customers want to be able to review the technical architecture. ePrinting is our only real…
2 votes -
Custom structure template based on 1 or more JIRA fields
The plugin allows users to create arbitrary structure and also structure based on JIRA links. It would be nice if there is a way to create structure based on JIRA fields like Reporter, Assignee, version, status. So user can drill down the issues by reporter, By Assignee, By version or any such combination and order.
1 votePlanned in Structure 3
Reorganize the ManageStructure page
- allow us to specify a short name for each synchronizer
- move the items which appear once per structure, i.e., Name, Owner, Access, Popularity, Operations, out of the table to a header, so that the information in the Sync With column could be expanded: this would allow more room so that the Sychronizer Short Name could be displayed, and the type of synchronizer would not line-wrap. Thanks !
1 vote -
Allow "Active Sprint" option for the Work Logged field
Currently, the options are current and prior day, week, month, year. Can we have current and prior sprint?
3 votes -
Allow users of the Tempo Plugin to see a per-user summation of time usage
We always have multiple coders on our projects, and almost always have multiple coders contributing to each piece of functionality within a project. We use the Tempo Plugin for JIRA to keep all that straight.
Structure's time summations are really helpful and beneficial. But for our multi-coder environment, we have to look at that summation in Structure, then look at every subtask and split out exactly who contributed how much to the Structure main task, because different coders are at different billing rates. This is not workable except on very small projects.
What would be ideal is if we could…
7 votesshould be possible with Structure 3.0
Extend Sub-Task Synchronizer with JQL filter
The Sub-Tasks Synchronizer only allows to select the Issue-Type to be selected. It would be helpful to have a JQL field to filter out more and also to have a JQL field when a Sub-Task should be removed from the Structure.
3 votes -
Add link to documentation and resources from toolbar drop down menu
I'm the admin and know of and installed structure, however, my JIRA users don't know what it is or how to use it. To help educate all please include links to helpful resources in your toolbar drop down such as documentation, etc.
Thank you
3 votes -
3 votes
planned as the Structure Board with preview
Support wildcard in structure() S-JQL function
I would like a way to use a 'wildcard' in the structure() S-JQL function so that it searches all matching structures. Specifically, I am trying to solve the following problem: find all leaf nodes in any structure.
Here's a potential use-case: I want to have a task backlog implemented in Structure. I also want to be able to organize my tasks in a hierarchical manner, also using Structure. In my task backlog, I only want to track the 'leaf' tasks which appear in my hierarchical structure.
I know I can do this now using the structure() function, but I must…
0 votesalso tracked as
I suggest the structure gadget displays the full name of the structure in the dashboards
Currently it truncates the names so it is difficult to tell which structure is displayed.
2 votes -
Limit Structure Depth for "Master" Structures
With all the work being done to create sub-structures or copy portions of structures, the master or enterprise view typically does not need all the detailed subtasks, those will even make that view less usable. It would make that view more useful to have a default depth to open the tree, so if I have
Issue-1 - Project
Issue-11 - Milestone
Issue-111 - task 1
Issue-112 - Task 2
Issue-2 - Project 2
Issue-21 - Milestone
etc.I can have structures for the projects with all the details, and the structure for multiple projects defaulting to open to a depth…
2 votes -
Show some type of visual indicator when the progress rollup contains interpolated data
I love the ability of the structure plug-in to roll-up numerical fields of children into their parents (thank you!). As I understand it, if some of the children do not have values, the roll-up algorithm estimates values for those children based on the values set in their peers (i.e the value of the unset children is the average value from all of their peers). Essentially, the structure plug-in is making estimates for the children even if users haven't entered any information.
When that happens, it would be nice if the plug-in offers some kind of indicator on the rolled up…
2 votes -
Support hierarchy of projects
Can I display a hierarchy of projects? I have a project x that is a sub project of a, b, c. Is this possible?
8 votes -
It would be great to be able to clear out the clipboard..
RIght now there does not appear to be a away to remove issues from the clipboard (other than pasting). Seems like a user may try to do a cut / copy and decide they no longer want the issues. Seems like this could be a fairly simple fix (maybe a x button above the clipboard?).
1 vote -
Add a custom field on child issues to show the structures root element
I would like to see the root element in the structure in the custom fields of the children so I can use this when exporting data from jira
4 votes -
Expose broken dependencies via JIRA native 'Integrity Checker'
ever seen this in the jira log?
2013-07-30 11:44:07,812 Structure-Jobs-aea1f3 Queue-Thread#1 WARN wama 642x189704x1 156cgam /rest/plugins/self-update/1.0/ [ext.sync.filter.FilterSynchronizer] Filter autosync #52 for structure 'Quoting structure' (#138) failed to run: filter 14610 does not exist or is not available to wama
In my opinion, such notifications could be added to the 'Integrity Checker', section 'Check for invalid filter subscriptions'
Fix is straightforward -> remove the dependency
alternative: provide the same on the Structure administration page
1 vote -
Bulk Clone Part of the Structure
This is becoming a necessity as we move forward with Structure. In order for all users to easily make copies of sets of issues from a repository-type structure at different points in their structure, we need bulk clone. The current copy/clone process requires admin authority and too many steps to roll out to non-admins and expect the environment to stay clean.
13 votes -
Allow re-formatting aggregated time fields (e.g. into hours).
We are budgeting a project - so we need to show a rollup of hours and then an extension of these hours into costs.
So we need to be able to:
a) format time so that it doesn't simplify 60 hours spread over in a year into 1w 2d 4h - it needs to show as "60 hours"
b) provide a column that does math on the 60 hours. e.g. 60 hours at $125/hr = $7500Together we will rid organisational planning of excel :)
1 vote -
improve "templates" functionality and provide simple interface to work with it
- That's will be useful to have a possibility to create structure by one click. Ex. It could be a quick button (as jira has "+ Create issue" at the right top conner). When I click on it, I can choose template name & click create. That's all.
- Sub-tickets in template structure should be predefined, so I don't want to specify each time what project it should be and what options to copy.
- In existing structure that's will be nice to have a possibility to create tickets\sub-tickets using templates for issue. Ex. I want to have a possibility to easy create…
13 votes -
Allow ignoring specific projects from rolling up status to parent issue in status soll up synchronizer
We use the status roll up synchronizer to signalize on an story the status of the implementation task which are childs of the issue using the structure plugin.
But besides implemenation issues there also may be issues beneath that story which are not related to the implementation (e.g. project management tasks like verifying the implementation).
So it would be perfect to select the projects from which statuses are rolled up to the story.
Just like the selection on the parent itself, a selection of the childs (project/ issuetype) could be useful to take only the relevant child issues for the…
1 vote
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