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Structure for JIRA: Ideas

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173 results found

  1. Queries based on structure, especially ones that make roll-up easier

    • All issues that are direct children of this issue
    • All issues that are children, grandshildren, etc. of this issue
    • Parent of this issue
    • Store the structure information in the same tables as other JIRA information, so it can be queried the same way.
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  2. Automatically clear multi-selection after a move/paste operation is completed.

    The structure plug-in allows users to select multiple, dis-contiguous issues using the multi-select mode, whereby the user clicks on the little radio button next to every issue they want to select. The selection can then be operated on as a whole, for example, to reposition the issues in the structure.

    This feature works great, however, I find it annoying because the selection 'sticks', even after I've completed the operation I wanted to perform. Then, when I move onto select other issues, the previous ones, which are still selected, unintentionally come along for the ride.

    Let me provide a use-case. Assume…

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  3. Use different fonts for the levels in the hierarchy to make them more distinct

    It would be great for easier differentiation to make the font larger for higher level issues in the hierarchy. E.g.

    Level 0 - H1 Bold
    Level 1 - H2 ...
    Level 3 - H3

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  4. Add ability to synchronize at the Project category level

    A structure is set up across multiple JIRA projects and when I add a new project, I have to redo the synchronizer. If I could select a Project Category instead of individual projects, then I would only need to add the new project to the project category.

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  5. Add a "quick search" feature in structure drop down menu

    Currently if you want to find a structure that isn't in your most recent or top favorite you have to go to the more... option in the structure menu to find it. This means navigating around to other pages to search for a structure. It would be much nicer if there were a filter / quick search at the top of the menu that lets you quickly find and view a structure.

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  6. Option to always include Epic Link in the Structure

    Same as the option to automatically include sub-tasks in the Structure, also add the option to always include the Epic Link.

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  7. Search Filters Should Retain At A Structure Level

    If you have several structures that you are attempting to manage when you switch between them your search panel tries a filter / set of search criteria from the previous structure. Then you have to figure out that you want to apply filter=29121 or whatever when you go from structure A to structure B.

    Easy fix.

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  8. Use JIRA Structure as navigation tree on linked Confluence content

    JIRA & Confluence are often used hand-in-hand... e.g. new ideas are formulated on CFL, leading to linked tasks in JIRA & followed by documentation etc.. on Confluence again..

    The need to reorder issues in JIRA, & use structure to navigate them, can be projected to linked confluence contents as well.

    The way i see it, structure widget could replace the space navigation panel.

    JIRA issues & corresponding Confluence pages could be linked via labeling (value == structure item ID)

    This is the idea in a nutshell, I'd be happy to discuss in more detail if helpful.

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  9. Ability to compare percentage realized versus percentage predicted (as a new calculated column) on the structure.


    I wonder if it is possible to create some kind of calculated column to show the percentage of the predicted structure for the current moment.

    Obviously if the issue had any reference date (ie due date) for comparison and the grand parent issue too. Just like we do on a project via MS Project.

    This is to compare how we are, in percentage terms (functionality already implemented) versus how we supposed to be (forecast until the present day).

    I leave here the challenge to improve (even more) this fantastic ADD-ON.


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  10. Enable you to specify a parent issue when doing "+ Add to Structure"

    Currently in the Issue Page you can only add the issue at the end of the structure.

    Parent issue input could be equal to the way we Link issues in JIRA.

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  11. Have a Back to Structure button in Issues

    When you open the Issue to view/edit the full details, a link back to the full structure would be nice

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  12. Structure Filter improvement: project without structure enable need a hint from the plugin

    When use a JQL with project field and the project have no flag to support structure show a hint warning the user that needs to enable the support to structure, or will be excellent to choose to enable it.
    The current implementation only shows no search results.
    The uses get confused and don't know if the plugin is working or they are doing some misconfiguration.

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  13. Allow me to include explanatory text

    I build Structures for people to look at. There is always a type of interpretation I need them to make.

    So, I need the ability to put at the top and bottom of the page an explanation of what they are looking at and how they should read it.

    For instance, on a budget, to say "this sum of Remaining Estimate field is shown as 1w1d5h but should be interpreted as X hours; Export to Excel, total the field and multiply by our hourly rate * 24/8 for a billing number"

    Else people land on the screen and say "so…

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  14. Allow user to make a new copy of multiple items from one structure in another structure with new keys.

    We have several structures in place now, each with several epics (epic = enhancement for us). We need both an enhancement template and a test plan template, each having several tasks in their hierarchy, in a separate structure. For each new enhancement, we would copy the template into our structure, then edit it to be workable. So we either need the ability to copy a structure template into another structure, clone multiple issues from one structure to another, or make templates out of portions of a structure's hierarchy that we can then clone to another structure.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Add a ShortCut to "Show in Structure" inside a Jira structure section

    Currently, clicking on the Structure: <structure name> text colapse / expand the structure section inside a Jira. What would be very usefull is for the Arrow to Colapse/Expand and the Text to link to the Full Structure page (Since some actions are better executed in the Full Structure)

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  17. Navigate to next/previous issue in structure

    We want to have the feature to go to the next issue in the stucture.

    The scenario is:
    1. You have a structure open
    2. You open up the first issue in a full screen mode
    3. You go to the next issue in the structure. Without jumping back to the structure.

    In the same way as you can jump to the next/previous issue after you have performed a filter/search in plain JIRA.

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  18. Have some kind of integration with zephyr to manage test cases

    I would like to see which test are passed and failed. It would also be nice to see the defects or bugs in the structure and create my test cycles with a structure.

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  19. Retain hyperlinks when printing a Printable to a PDF

    The Excel report retains hyperlinks back to the issues. The preview of the printable also does, but these are lost when printing to an actual PDF.

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  20. In a multi project

    In a multi project scenario can we have a scattered epic(collection of stories implemented by different projs) to be tracked as part single structure this will allow big programs to be tracked for their distributed progress in individual queues and collective status at one place for decision making.

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