Igor Sereda
My feedback
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4 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedHi Ole, thanks -
We're considering further integration of creating new issues with JIRA's Create Issue dialog. You can track/vote for https://jira.almworks.com/browse/HJ-795
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedRelated documentation:
https://wiki.almworks.com/x/FoKFAn error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedOle, you should be able to enter those fields as well. Please try the following:
1. Hover your mouse button over the grid header (with column names), and click blue "+" on the right. (Alternatively, hit "T" twice on the keyboard.)
2. Add field "Description" and field "Found in Build / Version".
3. Create a new issue/subissue. Click on the cell in Description column and in Found in Build column. Enter values. Hit Done when ready.Does that work?
IgorAn error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThans for your comment. This could be dealt with if you add the required fields to the grid (by hitting the "+" button in the grid header) and set their value for the new issue. You can switch between editing fields by clicking on the cells, or using Tab, Shift+Tab, and Ctrl+Alt+Arrows.
Does that solve the problem?
Igor -
1 vote
support request in progress
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedPlease let me know if this problem is still relevant or if I can close this request.
IgorAn error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedPat, thanks for posting this. It's hard for us to understand what's going on from this brief description - could you please send more details to support@almworks.com?
In particular, please send a screenshot or text copy of the Synchronization Settings page for this structure, a screenshot of the structure board and GreenHopper board that are not in sync.
Also please mention which Structure version are you using. Note that since version 1.4 Structure lets you view history - so you can actually see who had put those subtasks into the structure (you can also see that in the Activity tab of the subtask).
Igor -
4 votes
Waiting for response
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedIs there still interest in this idea?
IgorAn error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedZhenya, thanks for your feedback.
Structure is intentionally separated from sub-tasks, so there are no hard rules for sub-tasks and their positions in a structure.
There's "Subtasks" synchronizer and "GreenHopper" synchronizer that can be installed onto a structure and they try to maintain certain conditions, like "a sub-task should always be located under its parent JIRA-wise". If you install that synchronizer and try to move a subtask outside of its parent, it will immediately jump back. To move it to another parent you'll need to use JIRA's "move subtask" feature (and then it will be automatically moved in the structure).
More about synchronization: http://wiki.almworks.com/display/structure/Synchronization
Please indicate whether the existing functionality solves the problem, and can you suggest an improvement to make this easier for you.
Igor -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThanks for your idea. I believe you mean the permission to use structure, right?
Because the permissions for specific structures can be assigned to project roles. We thought it would be an overcomplication to also let admins specify project roles when enabling Structure for users, but we'll look into that again.
1 vote
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An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedOk, good point. So would you like us to do anything to improve the user experience, or can I close this request?
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedChris, thanks for your feedback.
Question: do you need to *see* resolved bugs for a certain version? That is, you don't need to remove the other bugs from the structure, only filter the structure?
In that case, you can use Structure's filtering feature described here: https://wiki.almworks.com/x/cABy
Please let me know if that does not solve this issue.
Igor -
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedChris, thanks for the feedback.
Note that you can edit multiple fields inline and still have one notification: https://wiki.almworks.com/x/QISF
You can also use the standard JIRA's "Edit" action on an issue by selecting it from the Cog drop-down menu, or using keyboard shortcut "e".
For creating issues, you can use the standard JIRA's "Create" action by clicking Create on the toolbar or using "c" shortcut, but that will just create an issue and it won't place it in the structure. There's a feature request to address that: https://jira.almworks.com/browse/HJ-795
Anyway, I agree it makes sense to make it possible to add a comment when making changes inline. I've created a feature request for it: https://jira.almworks.com/browse/HJ-877
Igor -
4 votes
waiting for reply
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedАндрей, спасибо за предложение. Уточните, пожалуйста, правильно ли я вас понял - вы хотите вычислять estimate исходя из того, сколько дней между текущим моментом и датой в Due Date?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedEric, thanks - is this basically the same idea as http://structure.uservoice.com/suggestions/2527565
25 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThe workaround for now is to export to Excel and do a sum there - it's really quick.
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedVladimir, thanks - that's an interesting idea.
I can think of several ways to approach it - we can add another row at the bottom with totals for every numeric/duration column, or we can do this summing only for the remaining estimate (which will not make sense if time tracking is not used).
We'll see how this fits development plan and other features.
3 votes
will be possible with configurable and extendable columns
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedYasmin, thanks for the suggestion.
Yes, we can do that. We're now working on making columns in the Structure Widget extensible, so they can display all kinds of data (not only fields), and so that other plugins could add to the assortment of columns available.
We could then add this column as a separate option, or allow to configure Fix Versions column to display the last version only.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedAlexey, thanks! We'll have this planned as a feature in the Structure product.
Meanwhile, you can install another plugin from our Developer Documentation that provides scheduled resync through the means of Structure API. See details here: http://wiki.almworks.com/x/y4J7
Please let me know by e-mail if you need help with this additional plugin.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedDear Rainer, thanks for your idea.
I guess there are different cases for filtering structure, in one you need an issue itself, in other - the issue and its sub-issues.
We'll think how to address both cases with minimum visual clutter.
1 vote
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An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThanks for the description! It all makes sense, and possible to do with the current Structure version.
But how does "Editing Roles" and limiting the editing capabilities fit into that? Which roles should not be able to change the assignee in the Structure? Will they be able to change the assignee if they just edit the issue?
Not sure how to answer about Initial Vision - it's much like what you see as a product today. Feel free to ask more specific questions though!
IgorAn error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThanks for your idea -- could you please expand a bit?
Would you like some users not being able to change Summary or Assignee? You can currently do that via Permission Schemes and Screens - Structure allows editing only those fields that are on the Edit screen.
Please describe what's the use case and how do you envision the users work with this feature, to have us better understand it.
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThat's really a good idea, thanks! We're planning to have View Configurations around version 1.7 - http://jira.almworks.com/browse/HJ-473
- and we'll keep this in mind when working on it. -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedI would agree it would be a great feature, if somewhat redundant. So, making it a planned issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedI agree that Checkvist has nice implementation of the tags, dates, etc. entered in the Summary field.
However, big difference between Structure and Checkvist is that Structure is a grid - it has columns. Furthermore, now the columns are editable. Also, JIRA has much more fields for issues than Checkvist has for tasks. So it's not clear to me how this feature would work.
For example, if I have priority column and summary column, and I edit priority in the Priority column, and then edit priority in the Summary column, what happens when editing is done? How the two editors relate to each other? Also, when I start editing Summary, should the current priority be displayed there somewhere? What if the user doesn't need it? What about other fields - why not edit Assignee etc. - but this would simply clutter the interface if we display all fields in the Summary.
As for the changing new issue indentation level, we could do it with a shortcut but I'm not sure what keyboard combination we could use for this.
3 votes
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An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedAdam, thanks for your comment.
Actually, there's a way to copy one structure to another - use Multiple Selection and Copy & Paste to copy a subset of issues into a temporary clipboard, change current structure and paste. Documentation: http://wiki.almworks.com/x/cwBy
What Peter describes looks to me more like a single view with separate structures, which I think could be implemented with a dashboard and multiple Structure gadgets.
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedPeter - thanks! How exactly do you think it might look? Would you like to see several structures combined in one structure? How would issues mix and sort?
What if you create a dashboard and put there several Structure gadgets for different structures - does that help a bit?
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedThanks Walter!
I believe this should actually be a feature of JIRA - since from Structure's standpoint, it just provides the data (activity stream provider), while various JIRA components (gadget, issue page, user page) aggregate the data and use filters.
I'm not sure what can we do about that from the Structure plugin. I think you can try to disable Structure activity stream provider completely by disabling module "Structure(structure-provider)" (it's a bad name, we'll rename it).
I've posted improvement request for JIRA here - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-27201 - please vote and you can also suggest the same to Atlassian for the user page.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedChris, thanks for a good analysis! This is an interesting point. So far, the context for a progress calculation has been only the structure involved. So, no matter what filter is applied, you see the same progress. This has the advantage that the % value is consistent across possible views of the same structure - you won't see the same issue have 10% or 90% on different pages.
On the other hand, it could lead to strange effect like an issue having % progress that is not justified by the sub-issues that the user sees.
Adding a switch between different methods of progress calculation does not seem a great solution to me... Maybe we could find a better way.
An error occurred while saving the comment Igor Sereda commentedChris, thanks for the idea. I see the value in this, however it's not yet clear how to integrate this consistently with other features. For example, if you're looking at a Version tab and see Progress in the context of that version, and then click on an issue to open Issue Page - you'll probably see a totally different Progress in the same structure because the version context will be lost.
So one way to approach this is to introduce a global concept of project/version context.
One other way I can image is to introduce "structure views", which are basically one structure filtered and represented as a separate structure.
As a workaround, I believe now you can filter a structure, then use Ctrl+A to select all displayed issues, then Ctrl+X to copy them to clipboard - then create a new structure and paste those issues from clipboard. This will give you Progress for those issues only.
4 votesIgor Sereda shared this idea ·
Thanks, good point. I think instead of reimplementing editing as a dialog we would just correctly redirect you to the place where you were before the dialog was opened.
Right now, I think the workaround is to use browser's "Back" button two times, or click-and-hold it to open the Manage Structures page before you left it.