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Structure for JIRA: Ideas

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384 results found

  1. Allow "Inversion" of Quick Filters so they could effectively "add" rather than remove issues.

    We need to use quick transformation filters that behave as if they are connected with an "OR" instead of an "AND" clause. I realize doing that would be problematic, but there would be a simple workaround if it were possible to merely invert the effect of selecting the filter buttons. Specifically, when the button is deselected (the default state) the filter would be applied, and when selected the filter would be deactivated.

    This could be implemented by providing a single checkbox in the edit screen for a quick filter that inverts the effect of the filter. So instead of not…

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  2. Group by Folder

    We have a use case where we want this grouping order:

    Pre-Code Change (Folder)
    Quality Group (Project)
    Ticket Etc
    Foundation (Project)
    Project 3
    Obtaining Development System (Folder)
    Quality Group (Project)
    Foundation (Project)
    Project 3
    Coding and Validation (Folder)
    Quality Group (Project)
    Foundation (Project)
    Project 3

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Structure  ·  Admin →
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  3. Use a field (i.e. sequential index) to automatically create hierarchy into Structure when importing from CSV/Jira.

    Hi, we usually load Jira items via CSV import, and it is very time consuming to arrange them with links or to manually indent them into the Structure.
    It would be great to use a field like the Structure's sequential index.
    For instance, using that field during import, to automatically arrange the hierarchy into the Structure (i.e., item 3.1.3 to be put automatically after 3.1.2 and underneath 3.1).

    Many thanks, and congrats for your works, it is very well done!

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  4. Structure subscription

    I have been searching for an option to subscribe to a structure (similar to a filter). If this is not available, it might be a good idea to add this as some of the structures cannot be created using filters.

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  5. Enable use of existing, saved filters to populate a structure vs. having to manually enter filter criteria

    Use case: I have an existing filter that is the basis for a board. The board dynamically updates, whenever I change the criteria of the filter upon which the board is based. However, if I want to use that same existing filter with a Structure, I must replicate the criteria in structure, and then perform dual maintenance, whenever I want to change filter criteria. If the saved filter could be used by Structure, I would only have to modify the filter itself. This might be addressed in the process of solving the following existing idea:

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  6. notify if any issues are edited in a structure

    Whenever any issues in the structure is edited, notification should go to people subscribed for structure to indicate structure content is changed

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  7. Log changes

    Sometimes someone deletes stuff from the structure and we do not know how the structure looked before (no version management exists).

    In this case, as a workaround we would like to have a log to see what has changd.

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  8. Ability to hide the time line in the gantt chart view

    It is a widely adopted practice to not share specific dates in long term planning and it would therefore be helpful if I could hide the dates/timeline in the gantt view.

    The only option today is to zoom out but that is not practical as the feature-bars will become to small and the timeline is still visible but in years.

    I want to be able to show how feature A is scheduled before Feature B and that it is dependent upon Feature C being completed without having to show when the features will be worked upon.

    Simply hiding, or making…

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    accepted  ·  0 comments  ·  Gantt  ·  Admin →
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  9. Ability to hide the time line in the gantt chart view

    It is a widely adopted practice to not share specific dates in long term planning and it would therefore be helpful if I could hide the dates/timeline in the gantt view.

    The only option today is to zoom out but that is not practical as the feature-bars will become to small and the timeline is still visible but in years.

    I want to be able to show how feature A is scheduled before Feature B and that it is dependent upon Feature C being completed without having to show when the features will be worked upon.

    Simply hiding, or making…

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  10. Show additional information on the ressources panel

    The ressource panel only indicates the ressource name. For supporting scheduling It would be very helpful to have more information directly in the ressource panel, e.g. "Units", used calendar and a marker or counter that x availability periods are aligned to the respective resource.

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    accepted  ·  Alexey Pegov responded


    Thank you for a suggestion. Showing more info is indeed a good idea and it is actually planned.

  11. analysis of big data in the structure

    Поскольку структура может включать в себя до 10000 задач, будет полезно иметь возможность в отдельном окне проводить анализ этих данных. Какова совокупная трудоемкость в разрезе: проектов, компонентов и т.п. , Какова продолжительность работы одной команды на структуру и т.п. Полезно так же создавать кастомные срезы для анализа типа: стратегические задачи, текущие задачи и т.п.

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  12. Yellow "x items selected" box shouldn't push list of tickets down when it appears

    Hi! I am using version 4.6.5

    When you select a ticket, the yellow "x items selected" box appears, and visually pushes the entire ticket list down so you visually "lose" the item you just clicked on.

    To see the problem in action, scroll to the very bottom and select the circle for the very last ticket. Instantly, the ticket gets pushed downward and disappears, so you have to scroll down to see it again.

    It's also a problem when I have some tickets selected, then do ctrl-A, ctrl-A to deselect all tickets. The yellow bar that was there goes away,…

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  13. number of comments

    Add a count of the number of comments.

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  14. Please add Expr function to return number of working days between 2 dates or in general work with Calendars defined in Gantt

    Hi Almworks,

    We need very simple capacity management in Structure. For this to work we have almost everything:
    - ability to aggregate from tasks to Epics (and higher levels) for remaining estimates and spent
    - Top-level group can act as a teams, for which we can defined daily capacity and planned work ratio (using field with CASE() for example)

    What we lack is we can't calculate remaining capacity considering resources availability, mostly because we can't use production calendars (similar to NETWORKDAYS() of Excel) If we had this ability we could automatically build Structure view which shows current remaining estimates vs.…

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  15. Regular Expression Text Function for substring extraction

    A regular express text function would be very useful to extract content from a Text field into a column.

    For example, if a Description field has:

    Name: Value
    Name1: Value2

    I can write a regex formula to extract out the value for Name: into a Column.

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    accepted  ·  Igor Sereda responded

    Will add another function to extract a matching substring. A longer workaround is already available: please see the comment.

  16. add hash marks to the parent bar in Gantt based on child dates

    Allow the ability to add hash marks to the parent time bar in Gantt based on child dates. This would allow to see milestones without cluttering the view with multiple child issues.

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  17. Allow importing XRay tests creating a tree of folders corresponding to a test path in the XRay test repository

    XRay instroduced a Test Repository in v3. Now every XRay test has a field 'Repository Path' looking like: '/Test Repository/Release 1/Phase 1/AAA/'.

    However, the Structure view is still better than XRay repository. It would be great to be able to import XRay tests recreating the same folder structure as in the XRay test repository automatically. So that users can use both XRay test repository AND Structure.

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  18. Choose what group label to display and which order for field fixVersion

    This idea is a to provide a way to display only (or to hide) some fixVersion instead off all of them when we use the grouping feature. If it is possible to choose the storing order (asc, dsc) it would be awesome !

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  19. Hide the days and unworkable hours of the gantt grid. Especially when it is extended to the maximum (hours)

    When the maximum detailing of the gantt chart is done, the days and hours that do not end up representing a greater amount of columns in the gantt. It would be much more practical with great visualization without these columns. Especially when there is a need to visualize tasks that are defined with small loads of hours and to be executed on the same day.

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  20. Have the ability to extend with certain add-on provided entities such as Adaptavist Test Management for Jira (kanoah).

    I know it's not likely that you can interface with every other add-on that structure customers might also use, but selfishly, I would love to be able to view all test cases associated with an issue under that issue (similar to Extend with linked issue).

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