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Structure for JIRA: Ideas

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17 results found

  1. Allow scheduling effectors

    Having effectors that can take a formula and set the value to a field is great. What we are missing is the ability to schedule the effectors, so that they run every hour/day/week, which will enable us to have these "calculated" fields up-to-date without manual intervention

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  2. Allow referencing a formula based Structure column within S-JQL expression

    Currently, I can only refer real fields of a JIRA issue within S-JQL function structureQuery parameter.

    Example: "issue in structure("Planned Stories", "issueOrAncestor in [type = Epic and status = Open]")"

    But it will be absurdly powerful if I could refer to a formula based Structure column values, existing in a selected View in e.g. such way:

    issue in structure("Planned Stories Structure","Planned Stories View", "issueOrAncestor in [type = Epic and 'Adjusted Storypoints' > 'Planned StoryPoints']")

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  3. Allow quick transformations from Gadget


    I am in love with structure. Thank you so much for making it!

    Would it be possible to put the Quick Transformations in the Dashboard Gadget in Jira?

    Thank you!

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  4. removing a column sort is not easy. Make it simple.

    Structure is sorted by Rank (through automation). I often click on Assignee column to sort by it. The only way to remove the sort is to click Transformation, Click the sort and click the remove. This is way too many steps to just remove a sort. One idea is to have each column have 3 states when clicked. Sort Ascending, Sort descending, Remove sort.

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  5. Allow for shared filters similar to how views are managed

    Similar to how views can be shared across different Structures, it would be great if Quick Transformations could be the same. Right now, we have 15+ separate, but related Structures. All should have consistent views and transformations. Managing views is very simple, but if you change a filter on one Structure, you must replicate that change X more times.

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  6. Have option to customize or hide what buttons are shown

    Trying to get users to update information who are less familiar with Jira. Want to customize what options/buttons users see so it's less overwhelming.

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  7. Add Project Category

    Structure recently added the ability to use "Status Category" as a column. As Categories can be pretty powerful tools, I would like to suggest bringing "Project Category" in as a column as well.

    In addition to columns, the bigger need I have at the moment is to be able to "Group by" Project Category in the Automation options. I also noticed that Status Category is missing here as well, so I think it would be great to bring the existing work to the Automation section as well.

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  8. Use Monaco editor for editing formulas

    The Formula column is a killer feature, but it can get tricky when the formula expression grows larger than the size of the editing area, and has a few levels of nested expressions.

    Beyond just the ability to enlarge the editor, it would be fantastic to have a more advanced editor to assist here, and the obvious candidate is the

    My suggestion for iterations for this would be:
    - Just replacing the actual editor and make sure it's still working when editing and not (so no functional changes)
    - Adding config and definitions needed for highlighting brackets and auto…

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  9. Color quick transformation buttons to allow faster identification and categories

    Currently, when you add a quick transformation the buttons are all white/clear. When you have a large number, it can be hard to find the transformation your looking for.

    With colors, you could create visual categories (i.e. groupings, component filters, label filters, etc) and the user can navigate to them much faster.

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  10. Regular Expression Text Function for substring extraction

    A regular express text function would be very useful to extract content from a Text field into a column.

    For example, if a Description field has:

    Name: Value
    Name1: Value2

    I can write a regex formula to extract out the value for Name: into a Column.

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    accepted  ·  Igor Sereda responded

    Will add another function to extract a matching substring. A longer workaround is already available: please see the comment.

  11. "Sum over Sub-items" For Dates / Aggregate Dates - with the ability to choose Max or Min Date

    I'd like to see my dates roll up the hierarchy so that I can see higher level estimates as they roll up. For example, if I have a folder for a project and I have a number of tasks underneath, I'd like to see the latest due date in the project, or the earliest start date.

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    accepted  ·  Igor Sereda responded

    Already possible with latest Structure – see comments for details. More improvements are coming.

  12. Don't Dismiss Automation Dialog When Pressing Escape Key

    If you are adding a filter or some other automation that requires writing a query, the autocomplete often obscures the text of the query you are trying to write because the window is very small. If you press Escape to dismiss autocomplete to see what you are writing, the window closes, and you lose your work.

    In other entries, like the issue search screen, pressing the Escape key dismisses autocomplete, so it is more likely you will lose your work because you have the muscle memory of pressing escape to dismiss autocomplete.

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  13. number of comments

    Add a count of the number of comments.

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  14. Add "Basic" search feature as an alternative to JQL

    For users who are not well versed in JQL, it would be nice to have the ability to add Jira filters in a way that is comparable to Jira's "Basic" search feature, rather than by inputting the JQL manually.

    Perhaps, on the dialog that is displayed when the user adds a JQL insert automation for the first time, we could have a "Basic" link that converts the query to the basic view, just like Jira's issue navigator. Then, all the JQL would be converted into a series of UI inputs (user pickers, drop-downs, etc).

    In addition to this, it would…

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  15. Have the ability to extend with certain add-on provided entities such as Adaptavist Test Management for Jira (kanoah).

    I know it's not likely that you can interface with every other add-on that structure customers might also use, but selfishly, I would love to be able to view all test cases associated with an issue under that issue (similar to Extend with linked issue).

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  16. Documentation Update - How to create a new View

    The Structure 4.5 documentation is lacking when describing how to create new views.

    For example, if I take "Basic View" and copy it to my Structure, I would expect that I could edit it, but the View Details screen says

    Access: Use - you can use this view but you cannot update it.

    There is no "Save As" button as indicated by the documentation.

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  17. Ability to Stop Structure from Updating So You Can Change the Automation

    When trying to get the automation correct for a complex structure, you can spend a lot of time just waiting for things to load so you can update the automation. Would be great if there is a way to click on the spinning weel to stop the automation.

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